More spreads from Liberation Newspaper / by Martin Toft

We would like to thank The Bailiff, Timothy Le Cocq for contributing a foreword for the newspaper and sharing his personal thoughts on the Occupation of Jersey. The project began partly as a response to 75 years of celebrating freedom in Jersey from the German Occupation in 1940-45. Sadly, islanders will not be able to commemorate this landmark event as initially planned and it is hoped that this newspaper will in some small way act as catalyst for remembering those years of hardship and subsequent joy when Churchill’s now famous speech was broadcast on the 8 May 1945 with the endearing words ‘our dear Channel Islands are also to be freed today’.

The 48-page supplement is included in tomorrow's edition of Jersey Evening Post.

Jersey Heritage CIOS Jersey Jersey War Tunnels EESAB-site de Rennes Bureau des Iles Anglo-Normandes Liberation 75 #germanoccupation #liberation75 #jersey#channelislands

Images courtesy of Charlie Dixon-Smith, Jack Tidy, Francesca Stubbings, Aimee Low and Gabrielle Le Clezio